"There is no remedy for love
but to love more."

– Henry David Thoreau___











an excerpt from THE LOVE EMERGENCY: a First Aid Humanual

Just open up your circuit,
for Love is a universal energy, something like electricity.
It has a cosmic source which flows through us and beyond us, recharging everything within its radius. The heart is Love's receiving station and transmission center, and it can be opened up to Love like a television can be switched on to a particular channel.

Love is a major force in our solar system,
broadcasting its goodness at a very high frequency.
The natural condition of the heart is to be filled by Love's wavelength, just as it is a natural condition of the lungs to be filled with air. This is the heart's most healthful way of being, which is why we usually feel so good, sometimes even exhilarated, when we say that we're "in love." The term "in love" usually means that we are focusing a strongly concentrated love on one person. Two people who consider themselves to be "in love" often create a feeling of well being that affects others, spreading goodness beyond themselves. One person ALONE can also generate this effect as long as the heart is held in love's wavelength.
It is possible to hold the heart "in Love"
without being dependent upon others for its reflection.
If you can do this, you are "in Love."
If you are not "in Love" you are "out of Love,"
not switched on to Love's mighty channel.
A heart held "in Love"
nourishes instinctively the living things in its path:
people, animals, plants will flourish and thrive with such a person.
It nourishes itself in the process, as well as others.
If you can do this, you are "in Love."
A heart held "out of Love"
has a neutral or negative effect on the lives it contacts.
It is so absorbed in itself that it frequently causes people to feel inadequate and rejected. Obligation or manipulation are its only motivations for responding to needs other than its own.
Beware of the dangers of allowing yourself to be "out of Love."
Strive to hold your heart "in Love" always.